Here's how to access your Viki Contributor profile page and other sections within your Contributor profile.
Follow these steps to access your Contributor profile page:
- Go to
- Click on your profile icon, located on the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Under the dropdown, select "Profile".
- You will now be on “Overview” section of your profile page
Once you are on the Overview section of your profile page, you can now access your "About Me" section which contains your Projects, Contributions, Badges, and Sample Videos.
Click on “About @[your username]” to reach the “About Me” section
- Here’s where you can edit and personalize your “About Me”
- Click on “Projects” to view all of your projects. You can also filter your projects by your channel role.
- Click on “Recent contributions” to view your most recent contribution activity
- Click on “Sample Videos” to view the sample videos you have created and have sharing turned-on.
- Here’s where you can edit and personalize your “About Me”
- To go back to your Viki Profile page simply click on the “Profile page” button:
Click on “About @[your username]” to reach the “About Me” section