The Segmenting (Segging) Academy is one of the two divisions of the Ninja Academy: Segging Academy and Subbing Academy (NSSA). Created and led by the Ninja Academy, the Segging Academy is a program designed to prepare Contributors to segment in any channel.

The segmenting program consists of two parts: Sandbox and the Academy. The Sandbox is where you will get familiar with the segmenting tools and expectations around segmenting. After finishing Sandbox training, you have the option to continue on to Segging Academy. The Segging Academy is where you will perfect your skills and learn A&C (Adjust and Combine) segmenting, the type of segmenting done at Viki. It is highly recommended to complete the entire program - both Sandbox and Academy - if you are interested in contributing by segmenting.

Where to apply

If you are interested in applying for Segmenting (Segging) Academy please be sure to check out Ninja Academy: Segging Academy and Subbing Academy (NSSA) website.