You can send a private message (PM) to any member of the Viki community. 

Please note: you must be signed-in to Viki to access your private messages.

Locating your mailbox

There are two(2) ways you can use to reach your Viki mailbox:


You can find your mailbox under the dropdown available at your profile icon.

    1. Go to

    2. Click on your profile icon, located on the top right-hand corner of the page.

    3. Under the dropdown, select "Messages".

    4. You will now be on your Private Messages page.
Via your Contributor Community Dashboard

Alternatively, you can reach your Viki mailbox via

    1. Go to
    2. Click on the envelope iconScreenshot_2021-01-21_at_5.09.42_PM.png, located on the top right-hand corner of your dashboard.
    3. You will now be on your Private Messages page.

Send a message from your mailbox

    1. Click Screenshot_2021-01-21_at_5.11.21_PM.png located on the top right-hand corner of your mailbox. 
    2. Add the username of the community member who you'd like to send your message to in the "To" field and press "return" or click on "Add" afterwards.
    3. You can send a message to multiple users by adding their usernames and pressing "return" after each username.

Send a message directly from a user’s profile page

    1. Go to a user's profile page.
    2. Click message-button.png next to the user's profile picture to send them a message.
    3. Clicking this button will take you to your mailbox with the user's name filled in the "To" field, allowing you to send them a PM quickly and easily.

Tip: Add a "Subject" to the message with information about what channel or project you are interested in working on as well as any language information. Please note: Many Contributors are working on multiple projects and may have no reference to which channel you are inquiring about.

You can learn more about the Viki mailbox here.