Project Finder Subtitler Applications

Subtitlers can apply to channel teams by submitting their application through Project Finder. See our top tips below on how to increase your chances of getting selected to a team. 

How do I submit an application through Project Finder?

Step 1 – Visit your Dashboard
Step 2 – Open Project Finder

Click on the Project Finder option.

Step 3 – Browse Project Finder

Browse the Project Finder – The Project Finder can sort projects by the type of contribution you would like to provide (Segmenter or Subtitler), genre, and origin country.Project-finder.png
For more detailed information about using the Project Finder, please visit this article in our Help Center.

Step 4 – Select “Only show projects I can access”

By selecting the “Only show projects I can accessoption you will only be shown channels that you have access to and that you are able to contribute in.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 2.02.06 PM.png

Step 5 – Find a channel team to join

Once you have decided upon a channel to apply for, select the “Apply” button underneath it.

Step 6 – Fill out your application

A form will then appear:

Step 7 – Apply for the team

Fill-out the form. Once you are done, make sure to click on “Apply”.

Step 8 – Look for confirmation

A confirmation message will then appear.
Please Note that you can not apply to more than three (3) positions within 24 hours.

Step 9 – View your Inbox

Once you have submitted your application, you will also receive a Community_notification message in your inbox.

    •  You will not be able to reply to this message.


What happens next?

Step 1 – Your application is reviewed

The Recruiter (the Channel Manager or Specific Language Moderator) will receive your application and review it.

  • To learn more about their process please feel free to take a look at this article.
Step 2 – Recruiter replies to your application

The Recruiter will be able to message you, if they would like to have more information about your application.

  • You will be able to reply to this message.
Step 3 – Check your Inbox

If accepted you will receive an inbox message from the recruiter.

  • You will be able to reply to this message.
Step 4 – Accepted or Not

If rejected, you will receive a message from Community_notification.

    • You will not be able to reply to this message.
    • You will however be given the option  to reach out to the Recruiter.


Tips for getting your application selected

There are multiple options on what to include in your short introduction, although what each recruiter is looking for might differ. Here are our top tips to increase your chances of getting accepted.

    1. Instead of telling Recruiters which language(s) you know, we recommend that you show Recruiters your skills. One way to do this is to give the “Sample Video” feature a try. Not only will this help show your language skills, but it will also help you familiarize yourself with our subtitle tools.
    2. Show/tell recruiters about your passion for contributing.
    3. Show/tell recruiters about your passion for the content (drama, genre, cast).
    4. Show/tell recruiters about your passion for languages and asian culture.
    5. Show/tell recruiters about your desire to make an impact on other users via contributions.

We hope these tips help you on your search for your new project. Happy Subbing!


Q: After submitting an application I received a message from Community_notification. Am I able to reply to this message?

A: No, you are not able to reply to this message. This message is mainly to notify you that your application has been submitted successfully.

Q: Am I able to withdraw my application after submitting?

A: Currently there is no way for applicants to withdraw their applications through Project Finder.