Tip: Finding a Project on Rakuten Viki

Are you looking to join the Viki Contributor community but don't know where to start? You've come to the right place!

Please note: you should always receive permission from the Channel Manager (Segmenters) or appropriate language Moderator (Subtitlers) prior to working on a project.

First, a brief explanation of the contribution roles available for new Contributors:

    • Segmenters – Time-setters who set the foundation for subtitles to be inserted into the channels (pages) on Viki. You do not need to know more than one language to segment on Viki.

      To segment in channels as a newcomer, we encourage you to first sign-up to complete a segmenting course on Ninja Academy or teach yourself to segment using their informative guide. We also have a video on our VikiU page.
    • Subtitlers – Translators who translate from one language (most often English) to another language. You will have to know two languages to subtitle on Viki.

      We strongly encourage you to watch our “Learn how to Subtitle” video or review the subtitling guide created by our friends at the Ninja Academy. Most often translations are created from English to other languages on Viki.

The following list includes the best ways to find projects on Viki:

    1. Take time to explore through Coming Soon and New Projects. Click on a channel you are interested in joining, then scroll down to the “Subtitling Team” section of the page. Click on the team name (under the “Subtitling Team” text) to see all of the people on the team and what positions are taken. If there is no team member selected for a role that you would like, please click on the appropriate language Moderator to see their profile and send them a message.
      Note: You will have better chances of finding a project with an open team in the Coming Soon and New sections.

    2. Browse the Project Finder – The Project Finder can sort projects by type of contribution you would like to provide (Segmenter or Subtitler), genre, and origin country.Screen_Shot_2021-09-15_at_11.22.46_AM.png
      For more detailed information about using the Project Finder, please visit this article in our Help Center.
    3. Visit the Project Board in the Discussions Forum – Here, Channel Managers and Moderators post recruitment messages for their projects and you can offer to join their teams.
    4. Last but definitely not least, the more you contribute and get to know people within the community, the more likely you are to receive team invites from Channel Managers or Moderators (usually through private message.)

In addition to segmenting and subtitling, there are a number of other ways to contribute on Viki. To learn more, check out the Channel Roles Guide.

We hope this information will be useful to you as you learn to navigate Viki. Have fun contributing!