Tip: The subtitle + segment tool is locked

For 36 hours after a video is added to Viki, the subtitle editor for the video will be available only to the Channel Manager, Moderators and designated Segmenters. This is so the segmenting process can be completed in an organized manner. The Subtitle Editor will be locked to any channel team member with the exception of those listed above.


If you are a member of the channel team who is locked from access, you will see an error message pop up if you try to access the tool (please refer to screen capture above).
Note: You will still be able to play the video even when the subtitle editor is locked.

After 36 hours, the subtitle editor will automatically unlock and be open to everyone. If channel team members would like to unlock the Subtitle Editor before 36 hours have passed, they have the option to click "Unlock Subtitle Editor" and open the video to the public.