How to add a Team Name

A Channel Manager can add a Team Name by going to the "Team" tab under the Manage Channel page. The Team Name will appear on the "Subtitle team" tab on the main channel page, so make sure to fill it out so your team gets the attribution it deserves!

Adding/Changing a Team Name 

Step 1 - Visit your team channel page

On the channel page, click "Manage Channel" on the main banner.

Step 2 - Look for your team

Click on the "Team" tab.

Step 3 - Name your team

Add your team's name. Be sure to click the "Save changes" button, located on the right-side of the text-box.

Step 4 - Look at your masterpiece

The team's name will now appear on the "Subtitle team" tab of the channel. 



Q. How many characters can I use for the team name?

A. Team names allow up to 30 characters. 

Q. Why am I unable to add a team name?

A. Please note that spaces are counted as one character and emojis are counted as two characters.