What is the Segment Timer?

What is a segment?

A segment refers to the amount of time that a subtitle is shown on screen. Every video needs to have segments before subtitles can be added.

Segments are incredibly important to videos on Viki. Well-timed segments mean that subtitles will show up at exactly the right time. 

Important: You have to be added to a team as a Segmenter before you can create segments for a video.

Accessing the Segment Timer

To access the Segment Timer one can follow the steps below:

    1. Go to the Channel (Movie/Show/Drama) that you are contributing on.
    2. Once you are here, there are two (2) ways you can use to access the Segment Timer.
First Way – (All Channels)
  1. Play the video that you will be segmenting.
  2. Click/Hover-over the gear icon located on the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. This will bring up the player menu to access the Subtitle information, tools, and more.
  4. Click the scissors icon to access the Segment Timer.
  5. You will now be on the Segment Timer page.
Second Way – (Channels with 2+ episodes)
  1. Click on the “Episodes” section of the channel.
  2. Look for the episode that you will be segmenting.
  3. Hover over the video that you will be segmenting.
  4. Click the scissors icon to access the Segment Timer.
  5. You will now be on the Segment Timer page.

A visual guide to the Segment Timer


    1. Navigation tabs: Use these buttons to navigate to the Subtitle Editor, Team Discussion, and Team Notes. Learn more about these here.

    2. Video player: Here you will be able to view the video and segments as you create or adjust them.

    3. Video button: Use this bar to navigate through the video. The bar will display the specific timeframe of where you are in the video.

    4. Segmenting section: These are the "Sound Waveforms." It displays the audio of the video in blue. It's a great tool to help you see exactly where dialogue begins and ends.

    5. Play, pause, fast-forward and rewind buttons.

    6. Click here (or use the spacebar) to open a new segment. The segment will open at the green line, located above the button, in the Waveform. Click it again (or use the spacebar) to close the segment.

    7. Save button: Generally your work gets autosaved as you are working. However, feel free to click on the “save” button to save your progress.

    8. Once you cut a segment, you can select your subtitle language here. You will be able to write a subtitle directly into the text-box that appears in the video.

    9. Find the practice section, helpful tutorial videos, a link to send us feedback, and a list of shortcut keys.

You can find useful shortcut keys for segmenting here.

We are always looking for ways to improve the Segment Timer. Please feel free to send your thoughts and comments through the Help Center.

I'm new and don't know how to segment. Where do I learn?

You can learn how to segment on the Viki U Channel, which contains tutorial videos and tips. More specifically, this video will show you how to segment.

Remember to always first contact the Channel Manager or Moderator of a video before you start working on it.

Also, check out the community-created Ninja Segging & Subbing Academy to learn from veteran Segmenters!